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March ‘24 Updates: Performance Improvements, New Transform Features and Related Objects for Matching  

By March 11, 2024No Comments

The product team at DataGroomr has rolled out some major improvements this quarter.  Some are “under the hood” while others extend existing capabilities and improve user interaction. 

Read on to discover highlights and, as always, you can find a detailed list of all our updates, improvements and fixes on the DataGroomr Support Portal.

Many of these updates were requests submitted to the  Ideas Exchange  portal. So please continue to submit your ideas. We hear you! 

Performance Improvements 

Some of our releases are easy to see and use while others are not, but both can have a big impact!  While DataGroomr has grown, we have continually enhanced and improved the engine that drives our analysis, merging and other capabilities. This release includes some major updates that will improve performance for current customers and allow us to scale our systems as we and you grow.   

Display Preview Before Transforming 

Whether you need to normalize your data or execute a mass update, Transform Rules applied in the Brushr module accomplish these tasks with just a few clicks. To confirm that the operation did exactly what was intended, we have added a Transform Preview tab. Selecting this tab allows users to see the before and after states for any transformed field.  You can also use the arrow button to scroll through all selected records. 

display preview

One of the more highly requested features when creating matching models has been the ability to use fields from related objects as matching criteria. This was possible in the past but required configuration in Salesforce.  This release includes the ability to leverage related objects for both Machine Learning and Classic Matching Models. 

add fields

Localized Zip Codes for Transforms 

DataGroomr Transform Rules have included the ability to format zip codes for a while.  However, this feature was primarily designed for US zip code formats.  This update now supports transformation of non-US zip codes.  The Country field will be referenced to determine the correct format for each region. 

transform rule editor

UI Improvements

Column Resizing 

Another request we often hear is the ability to resize columns within dataset matched and unmatched groups. Users can now resize all or individual columns in the Trimmr, Brushr, and Importr modules. Users no longer need to click into the Review window to resize columns on duplicate records.  

column resizing

Toggle Data Validity Score 

To round off our newest UI enhancements, users can now hide or show the Data Validity Score in Brushr datasets. The DV Score column can now be toggled off, which can be useful if you don’t typically verify fields.  

toggle data

What’s Coming Next? 

We have some happy surprises in the works for the next few releases.  Expect to see one long-awaited improvement to Matching models plus several completely new features. 

Stay tuned for these release announcements, and as always, we appreciate your feedback. If there are other features that are important to your experience, we invite you to submit them to the Ideas Exchange portal or vote on existing features already listed there.  

Since we always offer a free 14-day trial of DataGroomr, feel free to forward this article to your Trailblazer colleagues. They can start the free trial by logging in with their Salesforce credentials. With no setup required, they too can manage duplicates and their data right away!

Ben Novoselsky

Ben Novoselsky, DataGroomr CTO, is a hands-on software architect involved in the design and implementation of distributed systems, with over 19 years of experience. He is the author of multiple publications about the design of the distributed databases. Ben holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from St. Petersburg State University.