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Summer ‘24 Release Notes: New actions based on data quality scores and many more  

By August 1, 2024No Comments

Following the exciting release of Data Quality models, which gave users the ability to define criteria that categorize the quality of their data being stored inside of Salesforce, our product engineering team has been hard at work. In this latest release, we’ve expanded the capabilities of our platform to allow users to take actions based on data scores; adding the capability to initiate Brushr Verifications, Transformations and Exports based on these scores or by synchronizing them back into Salesforce Reports and Dashboards for additional analysis. 

Brushr: Mass Actions Based on Data Quality Scores 

Scores generated from Data Quality Models can now be used as filter criteria to initiate mass actions.  With this new update, users can use Data Quality Model Scores to initiate Mass Transformations, Verifications or Record Deletions. Want to trigger mass verifications on records that are fully complete? You sure can! First, create a completeness model with Supervisr > Data Quality Models, then associate the model to a Brushr dataset. Within the dataset configuration page, initiate a Mass Verification on records that meets the threshold as set by the selector. 

mass transform

Brushr: Filter by Data Quality Model Scores Within Datasets 

The same rules that have been created within the Data Quality Model builder can be used to filter records within Brushr. This feature is useful because it gives users the ability to finely filter records based on custom criteria, like incomplete fields or inconsistent formatting, allowing them to manually handle those records for enrichment and additional processing. This feature can be accessed through the funnel button on the upper right- hand corner and sliding the corresponding filter thresholds.  

filter by data quality model scores

Brushr Verification: Identify Catch-All Domains 

Catch-all email domains don’t provide feedback on whether your emails are delivered, making it like sending a message into a black hole. You may never know if the message was read or received. Keeping these domains in your database can harm your sending reputation and lower open rates since emails might end up in inactive inboxes. This leads to email bounces and reduced engagement, which can result in your emails being flagged as spam. DataGroomr’s verification feature can now identify catch-all domains and automatically lowers the score of records associated with them. 

catch-all domains

Push Data Quality Scores to Salesforce 

Just as how users can sync record field Validity scores from DataGroomr into Salesforce, users are now able to transfer computed Data Quality scores back into Salesforce. This allows them to use the insights from their Data Quality Models in reports, dashboards and other Salesforce native integrations. Create a new Target Field to synchronize the Data Quality score directly within the interface within the left- hand menu of the Data Quality Model Rule builder and toggling ‘Enabled’ on the Push to Salesforce section.  

data quality scores Salesforce

Schedulr: Initiate Merge and Cross Object Conversions Based on Tagged Records 

We’ve introduced a feature that lets users schedule jobs for records manually tagged by Salesforce or DataGroomr users. This allows for more automation by enabling deduplication only on records that meet a specific Match Confidence threshold, combined with a manual approval process. 

initiate merge and cross object conversions

DataGroomr’s Auditr Log Browser functionality has been expanded to display the IDs of related records that have been reparented after Merge or Undo Merge actions. 

As a standard feature, when de-duplicated records are restored with DataGroomr’s Undo/Restore functionality, the platform will automatically restore any object relationships that the previously deleted record might have once had. With this new feature, users will have a traceable list of relationships updated during modification. 

To see a list of reparented records, click on the number in the records details table in the Auditr Log Browser. 

audit log browser

Example, a list of related records which were reparented after merge: 

list of related records

Dashboard: Data Quality Models in Data Summary Widget 

Data Quality Models now have yet another place to shine! The scores computed by Data Quality Models can now be displayed in the Data Quality Summary widget within the DataGroomr Default Dashboard. This feature is exciting because it shows the quality of Salesforce data, a duplicate summary, and the history of duplicates within your Salesforce instance at a quick glance. This gives users the ability to quickly monitor their data, monitor ROI and take any action if necessary. 

data quality summary

Import CSV Files and Folders from SFTP

DataGroomr now supports importing CSV files directly from SFTP servers for processing and import. This feature is useful because it simplifies the numerous steps required to pull down a CSV file from a SFTP server and re-upload the file back into DataGroomr for additional analysis. Users can now automate the entire process into an import job that polls a server for the file, then loads the file into DataGroomr for de-duplication, merge and transformation before importing or updating the records in Salesforce.

cloud csv import

Filter Records by Data Quality Model Scores in Brushr and Schedulr

Users can now further drill down into the records contained within Brushr datasets by specifying the records that they wish to see by specifying scoring threshold parameters within Brushr datasets. Access this feature by navigating to the Brushr dataset view, click on the funnel button and use the corresponding sliders to specify the records being displayed to only show the records that are within a scoring threshold computed by Data Quality Models.

filter records by data quality
set data quality filters in a scheduled job

Change Time Zones in Importr 

By default, Date/Time fields in CSV files loaded through Importr are treated as GMT values. This new feature allows users to specify the time zone for Date/Time values when loading the CSV file into Salesforce. 

change timezones

Auditr: Filter by Triggers in Log Browser 

Auditr has been expanded to allow users to filter events based on a user who initiated an event.  This feature can be accessed through Auditr > Log Browser > Triggered by. All initiators are grouped into Users, Jobs and Triggers.

log browser

Initiate Schedulr Jobs via API 

DataGroomr users can now initiate Schedulr Jobs via API callouts, enabling them to trigger scheduled jobs through automation.  

Mobile Friendly Lightning Web Components 

DataGroomr’s two optional Lightning Web Components, which surface duplicate and verification statuses in native Salesforce have now been certified as mobile friendly! This offers a larger range of users the ability to access DataGroomr through their mobile devices. Simply add the DataGroomr LWC to the corresponding Mobile/Tablet layouts to roll this capability out to your Salesforce users. 

That’s a wrap for our summer release. See you next month! As always, if you have any questions or ideas about a feature to include in the next release, please drop us a line! You can reach us here 

Ben Novoselsky

Ben Novoselsky, DataGroomr CTO, is a hands-on software architect involved in the design and implementation of distributed systems, with over 19 years of experience. He is the author of multiple publications about the design of the distributed databases. Ben holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from St. Petersburg State University.