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DataGroomr November ‘24 Release Notes: Tag-Based Mass Merging, Enhanced Phone Verification, Email Address Suggestions You Control, Faster Duplicates Matching     

By December 10, 2024December 12th, 2024No Comments

Prepare for the holidays with our latest Fall product enhancements! We’ve focused on improving customization and performance to help you work more efficiently with DataGroomr.  

Mass Merging with Include/Exclude Tags 

Filter the records that you mass merge based on user-specified Tags in the Trimmr module. Tags are assignable by  Salesforce users through the DataGroomr Lightning Web Component. These tags allow the DataGroomr admin to initiate a mass merge or mass exclude duplicate records from the operation. 

Mass Merging with Tags

Filter Records by Phone Number Connection Type 

Brushr now includes the ability to filter records based on phone number type. This new feature allows you to query Brushr Verified records by their phone number connection type, providing insights into whether the verified number is a Mobile, Landline, Fax, Pager or Other.  

Filter Records by Phone Number Connection Type

Toggle Email Address Suggestions 

Inside of Settings, you can choose whether or not to include Email Address suggestions when using Brushr Verification. Toggling Email Address suggestions surfaces a suggestion on how the email address can be better spelled in addition to information on whether or not it is valid.  

Tag Importr Groups 

Tags can now be assigned against Importr matched groups. This functionality allows you to specify and provide additional context on which records should be updated or created within Salesforce.  


Importr Minimum Match Threshold 

A minimum match confidence level allows users to decide value (between 1 and 100), when DataGroomr decides that a record is a match to an existing record.  This setting has previously been available in Importr but it could only be changed after the data was initially analyzed for duplicates.  It is now assignable during the initial configuration in the Import Wizard.  

Minimum Match Threshold

Classic Matching Model Performance Improvements 

The performance of classic matching models has been improved significantly, resulting in doubling of their performance. Trimmr Analysis jobs now process twice as fast, cutting processing time.  This enhancement helps you work more productively, allowing you to return to de-duplicating records with greater speed and ease!  

Data Quality Models include support for Regex (regular expressions)

One of the limitations in data quality models that measure aspects like consistency was the inability to create custom formats for attributes.  This functionality is now available by using standard regex masking.  The two examples below demonstrate masks for Social Security Numbers and emails. 

regular expressions

As usual, we are hard at work on some amazing upgrades including data enrichment add-ons that will come in 2025.  Please follow our release notes and blogs for additional information or feel free to reach out to us directly. 


Ben Novoselsky

Ben Novoselsky, DataGroomr CTO, is a hands-on software architect involved in the design and implementation of distributed systems, with over 19 years of experience. He is the author of multiple publications about the design of the distributed databases. Ben holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from St. Petersburg State University.