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Winter ’24 Updates: Undo merges indefinitely, support for cloud storage and much more 

By January 4, 2024No Comments

DataGroomr has welcomed 2024 with a major release of new and improved features. Amongst them is Rollback, which allows users to reverse any merge operation indefinitely; and Importr can now load data files and folders based in the cloud.  Also, we pushed out some new features for lightning component and options for transform.  

Read on to discover the highlights and, as always, you can find a detailed list of all our updates, improvements and fixes on the DataGroomr Support Portal.   

Many of the updates we made were requests submitted to the Ideas Exchange portal. So, keep them coming. 

Rollback your merges indefinitely  

Having an ability to reverse unintended merges is something DataGroomr users have enjoyed for several years.  Undo restores and reconnects records from manual or automated merges using the Salesforce Recycle Bin, which retains merged records for 15 days.  Beyond that time limit, users had to rely on backups or re-enter the data by hand.   

This release includes the new Rollback option which restores and reconnects merged records and completely reverses any changes to the surviving record.  As with Undo, this feature requires no setup or configuration, and the best part is that there is no time limit to worry about.   

rollback merge

Enterprise-tier customers will continue to enjoy access to the Undo functionality as part of their subscription, with the new Rollback available as an add-on.  Customers subscribed to the Professional-tier plan, who have had no options to reverse merges, may now purchase the 15-day Undo as an add-on.  

Please contact our sales team with any questions. 

Import data from cloud storage  

If you use DataGroomr’s Importr to prevent duplicates from data loads, we have some amazing new functionality coming your way.  In this release, we have included the ability to load files and folders from Salesforce files storage (support for Amazon S3, SFTP and others coming soon).  Simply specify the location and Importr will do the rest, including load any new files automatically. 

This feature is included in all Enterprise-tier subscriptions and available as an add-on on with the Professional plan. 

Let your users tag and unmatch with the Lightning Component 

DataGroomr’s Lightning component is a great way to involve and inform Salesforce users about duplicates.  A few releases ago, we also added an option to merge duplicate records in the component. In this release, we added two more enhancements. 


Tagging is an option that has existed for some time inside DataGroomr’s platform.  It’s commonly used to flag duplicate groups without merging the data.  Now the same functionality is available directly in Salesforce.  Users, who are generally the most knowledgeable about their data, can tag duplicate groups and help administrators clean their environment. 


DataGroomr administrators have been able to empower their Salesforce users by giving them the ability to merge records in the Lightning Component.  In this release, we expanded this functionality to let users Unmatch records that have been improperly classified as duplicates. 


Transform your data using math and date functions 

The ability to bulk modify data is a simple way to clean and normalize data in Salesforce or prior to importing.  DataGroomr provides extensive transform rules to assist with this.  In this release, we have added several new ones. 

Math functions 

DataGroomr has added some new functions to add, subtract, multiply and divide.  In addition, a new rounding function has been added that can round up, down or to the nearest whole number. 


Updates to date fields is a task that comes up often.  This release includes a Now command that returns the current date and time, and a way to add time to a date field. 

What’s Coming in the Next Release? 

We have another release scheduled just around the corner.  Expect extensions to the formatting options in Brushr, extensions to the matching models and more convenience across modules. 

Please stay tuned for these release announcements, and as always, we appreciate your feedback. If there are other features that are important to you, we invite you to submit them to the Ideas Exchange portal or vote on existing features already listed there. 

Since we always offer a free 14-day trial of DataGroomr, feel free to forward this article to your Trailblazer colleagues. They can start the free trial by logging in with their Salesforce credentials. With no setup required, they too can manage duplicates  in their data right away! 

Happy DataGrooming, Trailblazers! 

Ben Novoselsky

Ben Novoselsky, DataGroomr CTO, is a hands-on software architect involved in the design and implementation of distributed systems, with over 19 years of experience. He is the author of multiple publications about the design of the distributed databases. Ben holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from St. Petersburg State University.