API Integration, Undo merge in Trimmr, mass verify in Importr and various enhancements and UI improvements were added to DataGroomr in October. The highlights of these are below, for the full list of updates and fixes refer to this article.
API Integration
API Integration lets you listen for events on your DataGroomr account so your integration can automatically trigger reactions. DataGroomr uses webhooks to notify your application when an event happens in your account.
What are webhooks
Webhooks refers to a combination of elements that collectively create a notification and reaction system within a larger integration.
Metaphorically, webhooks are like a phone number that DataGroomr calls to notify you of activity in your DataGroomr account. The activity could be the merge or convert of Salesforce records. The webhook endpoint is the person answering that call who takes actions based upon the specific information it receives.
Non-metaphorically, the webhook endpoint is just more code on your server, which could be written in any programming language. The webhook endpoint has an associated URL (e.g., https://example.com/webhooks). The DataGroomr notifications are Event objects in JSON format. This Event object contains the relevant information about what just happened, including the type of event and the data associated with that event.
Accessing API Integration
The API integration configuration can be accessed directly by pressing the API Integration link located under the Supervisr tab in the Navigation Menu.
Read more about API integration on our knowledge base here.
Undo Merge from Trimmr
Accessing undo merge was simplified and is available in Trimmr, immediately after records have been merged. Simply click Undo and it will bring up a dialog to restore merged records and duplicate group will be restored with it.
Mass Verify in Importr
The email, phone and address verification feature has been extended to Importr so now you may validate these fields in CSV files even before they get into Salesforce. Accessible from the dataset actions button will open up a dialog like this.
Transform Rule: Replace Text
New options “Ends With” and “Starts With” are available in the compare rule block and a Replace block was added. You may use these to design rules that replace text in a field as shown in the example below.
Merge Rules: Get Value from a Record by Condition
Get value block has been extended to allow for more granular control. It is now similar to the master selection rule block and allows to retain value in a field based on the other fields prioritized by multiple conditions, for example the rule below will take the Name from the newest created record but will prioritize value of the record which was created by John Doe.
Other updates
Mass delete task is available in Schedulr to be run on schedule in Brushr datasets.
You may now add merge and transform rules directly from editing dataset or mass merge dialogs.
What’s coming in the next release?
Here’s what you can expect next in DataGroomr:
- Dataset level permissions
- Backup and restore
We appreciate your feedback and if there are other features that are important to you, we invite you to submit them to the Ideas Exchange portal or vote on existing features already there.
As always, we would like to remind you that we offer a free, 14-day trial of DataGroomr. Please feel free to forward this article to your Trailblazer colleagues. They can start the Free Trial by logging in with their Salesforce credentials. There is no setup required and, as you know, you can get a handle on the duplicate management of your data right away!
Happy DataGrooming, Trailblazers!