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DataGroomr vs. RingLead

Business leaders, sales professionals and any other stakeholders involved in lead management and nurturing activities are well aware of the confusion that duplicate records can create. This is why they are always on the lookout for comprehensive solutions to their duplicate issues. Some of the popular solutions companies use are DataGroomr and RingLead, but which one does a better job of deduping your Salesforce environment in a head-to-head comparison? Let’s first get an overview of each platform before we dive into the comparisons.

datagroomr vs ringlead

Try DataGroomr for Free

No Setup or Customization Required.


Usability is one of the main aspects of a product that needs to be considered since you will be using it on a daily basis. Both of these products offer a free trial and you can also schedule a demo where someone will walk you through all of the functionality.

  DataGroomr RingLead
No setup required
Modern/Intuitive Interface
Duplicate prevention
Phone/email support available

Data Cleansing Features

When working with raw data, a thorough data cleansing is always necessary due to the volume of duplicates. RingLead competitors offer functionality for detecting duplicates, but DataGroomr dives deeper into duplicates and provides a more thorough cleaning. You can find a RingLead tutorial on their website that explains their functionality.

  DataGroomr RingLead
Free data quality assessment
Custom object deduplication
Cross object deduplication
Task scheduling
AI-driven deduplication
Flag false positives

RingLead & DataGroomr Pricing

When determining whether or not a certain product is worth the investment, you need to take into account their entire service offering and how well they match your overall needs.

  DataGroomr RingLead
Starting annual price $995/yr $12,000/yr
Free Trial 14 days 30 days
Best value for multi-user organizations
Record count fee

What Makes DataGroomr Superior to RingLead?

DataGroomr provides a modern, fast and intuitive interface.

Saves time since there is no setup or configuration required.

Automatically improves duplicate detection through machine learning.

Clearly displays actionable duplicate information in a single dashboard.

No need to standardize or normalize data in order to detect duplicates.

Permits automated duplication reports and mass merge tasks as often as necessary.

Import wizard deduplicates, merges, and appends records while importing to Salesforce.


  • Leverages machine learning to identify duplicates in your Salesforce environment 
  • No setup required
  • No standardization or normalization required to detect duplicates.
  • Provides a modern, fast, and intuitive interface.
  • Provides three ways to merge duplicate groups:
    • Side-by-side record view in DataGroomr
    • Side-by-side record view in Salesforce
    • Mass Merge
  • Dedupe import files before data reaches Salesforce.
  • DataGroomr provides a detailed audit trail for all changes
  • Scheduler for full automation of repetitive tasks


  • RingLead relies on setting up matching rules to dedupe Leads, Contacts, Accounts & Custom Objects
  • RingLead is not solely focused on deduping Salesforce. They also offer lead intelligence, lead management and marketing campaign automation services as well. 
  • RingLead has many preventive features built in that stop dirty data at the source 
  • RingLead can be integrated with pretty much any CRM or marketing automation platform to improve the health of your data
  • RingLead offers powerful reporting that offers insights into how many duplicate records you have, what has RingLead done to remove duplicates, which Salesforce fields are not being used and lots of other details.